Ruth-Anne’s grocery store

Road Trip: Northern Exposure

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November 10:  Nampa, Idaho to Rosyln, Washington. Starting mileage: 35,946.

We trekked across the northeastern corner of Oregon and north into Washington in a misty fog and rainy snow. We passed Christmas tree farms, wind turbines, signs warning of “Severe Sidewinds Ahead”, and so many trucks carrying logs. This is the Great Pacific Northwest or Cascadia–an area known for environmentalism, coffee drinking, grunge music, and weather-induced depression.

We were headed for a mythical town:  Cicely, Alaska from Northern Exposure.

In real life, the town is called Roslyn, Washington and it is where the TV series, Northern Exposure, was filmed from 1990-1995. The program was quirky, intelligent, kind, funny, full of special people with astute observations, and had so many wise and magical moments. There was Chris Stevens broadcasting from KBHR, Holling Vincouer and Shelly Tambo at the Brick, Indian filmmaker Ed Chigliak, out-of-place New Yorker Dr. Joel Fleishmann, pilot Maggie O’Connell, retired astronaut Maurice Minnifield, quiet Marilyn Whirlwind, level-headed Ruth-Anne Miller, bombastic Adam and Eve, mysterious One-Who-Waits, Chris’ twin Bernard, The Brick’s Dave, Ruth-Anne’s Walt…  These people, their town, and their eccentric ways enchanted us. It was as if we knew them, spent an hour in Cicely with them every week. Even today, putting in a Northern Exposure DVD is like sitting down with dear, old friends. What a profound, exceptional, and beautiful place literally and figuratively.  The town of Roslyn was Cicely. And the town exists.

Roslyn Cafe in Roslyn Washington. Northern Exposure's Cicely, AK.
Roslyn Cafe in Roslyn, Washington, more often known as Northern Exposure’s Cicely, AK. Cue the music and the moose.
Dr. Joel Fleischman's Office in Roslyn, WA Northern Exposure Cicely AK Northwestern Mining Co.
Dr. Joel Fleischman’s office in Cicely, AK (Rosyln, WA). 
Evening on Roslyn's Main Street, Washington. Northern Exposure Cicely AK
Mama Lucy heading down the hill into Roslyn’s Main Street.


We arrived in the late afternoon and checked in to the Huckleberry House on the hill. It was a no frills room–in a no TV, no internet, no breakfast “Bed and Breakfast”. But there was a shared coffee maker and refrigerator and it was just a 3-minute walk to great breakfasts at Rosyln Cafe. We spent our time there walking around the buildings featured in the show. We had meals in the Brick and at Village Pizza. Mama Lucy wasn’t a Northern Exposure viewer and missed having a TV and the internet in the evenings. Regardless, we enjoyed the time to walk, reflect, and get some of that fresh mountain air.

the Brick. Rosyln, WA aka Cicely, AK
I expected to see Holling Vincoeur and Shelly Tambo behind the bar in the Brick. Rosyln, WA aka Cicely, AK.
Ruth-Anne Miller's Grocery Store. Rosyln, WA aka Northern Exposure's Cicely, AK.
Ruth-Anne Miller’s Grocery Store. Rosyln, WA aka Northern Exposure’s Cicely, AK.
Playing Trivial Pursuit at Village Pizza on a Saturday night in Roslyn WA, aka Northern Exposure's Cicely, AK.
Playing Trivial Pursuit at Village Pizza on a Saturday night in Roslyn WA, aka Northern Exposure’s Cicely, AK.


Let go of that cow, and fling something

As I walked around Cicely/Roslyn, I imagined seeing Chris sitting in the KBHR booth, or that I’d see Shelly running across the street to Ruth-Anne’s, or maybe Ed would come around the corner with a smile. And I fell in love with the cozy colorful homes, with the plumes of smoke coming from chimneys over tin roofs. I imagined tucking in to a sweet little house with books and a dog or two. Maybe things would be different here. More creatively stimulating. More thoughtful. More there in the moment. Maybe just more life.
It’s been such a strange few years. We’ve felt a little lost. And while some changes may be good for us, some changes just suck. There is no map to figure it out, to see how long the bad roads will last, or which way to go to smooth it out. We wander around until we wander out. Or maybe I just need to fling something.

The Fling…From the episode “Burning Down the House”

Chris: I’ve been here now for some days, groping my way along, trying to realize my vision here. I started concentrating so hard on my vision that I lost sight. I’ve come to find out that it’s not the vision, it’s not the vision at all. It’s the groping. It’s the groping, it’s the yearning, it’s the moving forward. I was so fixated on that flying cow that when Ed told me Monty Python already painted that picture, I thought I was through. I had to let go of that cow so I could see all the other possibilities.

Anyway, I want to thank Maurice for helping me to let go of that cow. Thank you Maurice for playing Apollo to my Dionysus in art’s Cartesian dialectic. And thanks to you, Ed, cause the truth shall set us free! And Maggie, thank you for sharing in the destruction of your house so that today we could have something to fling.

I think Kierkegaard said it oh so well, ‘The self is only that which it’s in the process of becoming.’ Art? Same thing. James Joyce had something to say about it too. ‘Welcome, Oh Life! I go to encounter for the millionth time the reality of experience, and to forge in the smythe of my soul the uncreated conscious of my race.’

We’re here today to fling something that bubbled up from the collective unconsciousness of our community. Ed, you about ready? The thing I learned folks, this is absolutely key: It’s not the thing you fling. It’s the fling itself. Let’s fling something, Cicely! 

Northern Exposure's KBHR radio station. Rosyln, WA. AKA Cicely, AK
Northern Exposure’s KBHR radio station. Cicely, AK (Rosyln, WA). 
Cicely AK Northern Exposure Totem Pole in Roslyn, WA
The Totem Pole in Roslyn, WA
"Explosives", church, and horses. Roslyn WA.
“Explosives”, church, and horses. Roslyn WA.


If you are a Northern Exposure fan, you’ll probably like these links.

First, put on some music. Because of music rights issues, the original tunes didn’t always make it to the DVDs. But some good soul has pulled together a lot of the music into a Spotify Playlist.

Read more about each episode at Moosechick. Really, a fantastic resource.

Also, there’s recent news that a return to Cicely is in the works. Will they really reboot it? Will it be great, like the original?

Northern Exposure Cicely Alaska little pink shotgun house in Roslyn, Washington.
A little pink shotgun house in Roslyn, Washington.
Fall in Cascadia. A house in Rosyln, WA.
Fall in Cascadia. A house in Rosyln, WA.
Green House, Red Tin Roof, Picket Fence. Rosyln, WA.
Green House, Red Tin Roof, Picket Fence. Rosyln, WA.
Pink House, Red Trim, Lace Curtains. Roslyn, WA
Pink House, Red Trim, Lace Curtains. Roslyn, WA
Brown and blue house. Roslyn, WA.
Brown and blue house. Roslyn, WA.
Chimney smoke, red tin roof, porch lights November cozy in Roslyn, WA.
November cozy in Roslyn, WA.
November cozy in the mustard yellow house with chimney smoke, Roslyn WA.
November cozy in the mustard yellow house with chimney smoke, Roslyn WA.
Snow on the roof and a wooden fence. Rosyln WA
Snow on the roof and a wooden fence. Rosyln WA.
Huckleberries on the ground at Huckleberry House in Roslyn WA, aka Northern Exposure's Cicely AK.
Huckleberries on the ground at Huckleberry House in Roslyn WA, aka Northern Exposure’s Cicely AK.
Fallen apples in Roslyn, Washington.
Fallen apples in Roslyn, Washington.
Elk or deer seen from the road on the drive out of Roslyn Washington.
Seen from the road on the drive out of Roslyn Washington.


Finally, you can see more of our travels on my blog. And some select photos are available on my Etsy site.
Thanks for reading!

Bon hiver y’all! 🙂